Painting a Year-End Celebration at the Ballpark

This painting was created live at a year end celebration at the Oracle Park in San Francisco. I used an iPad Pro, Apple Pencil and the Procreate app to paint with. As you can see on the video and in the photos below I shared the entire process with the event guests by displaying my digital canvas on a large LED display.

Framed canvas fine art prints of this, and other artworks by me, are available – for more information please visit my Prints page.

While I was painting this scene a couple of guests came up to me and said “you should NFT this!” Well, I decided to take their advice and make this my “Genesis”,ie first, NFT (NFT = Non Fungible Token, a term explained in this Forbes magazine article), my very first tokenized artwork, and I am offering the digital file for sale on the OpenSea platform. Click here to visit the OpenSea NFT listing.

The collage portrait of baseball legend Willie Mays that you see next to me in the photos above is a painting I created in 2005 when, through his God son Barry Bonds, I had the pleasure to visit Willie Mays in his home and he kindly let me tell his life in this collage using memorabilia he had on his walls. With thanks to Eddie and his team, to Peggy for documentation (pics and vids) and to all the wonderful staff at Oracle Park.

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