I created iPad portraits from life of guests and live painted the stage presentation at the Michael Cerbelli’s “The Hot List™” 2019 in Moulin, Philadelphia, hosted by the International Live Events Association (ILEA) Greater Philadelphia chapter. I share here the replay of Michael’s presentation (at bottom of this page) plus some of the portrait time-lapse replays that show the brush stroke by brush stroke creative process. I used an iPad Pro 12.9 (3rd Generation), Apple Pencil 2 and Procreate app. Each portrait subject received the special and unique take-away of digital files of their portrait and the replay video immediately on completion, which they could then share on their social media.
Jeremy Sutton Live Event Painting, as featured in:
Here is a set of links to all of Michael Cerbelli’s “The Hot List™” 2019 presentations where I have performed live:
January 2019, The Special Event (TSE) show, San Diego, CA
February 2019, New York City, NY
March 2019, International Live Events Association (ILEA), Greater Philadelphia Chapter, PA