Portrait of John Church

Portrait of John Church
22″ x 30″, mixed media on canvas

John Church with the Master of Pembroke College, Dame Lynne Brindley

This portrait was created to honor John Church, Bursar of my alma mater Pembroke College, Oxford University, on his retirement. It was presented to him at a special lecture and dinner on March 15th, 2018.

The painting incorporates significant images, elements, honors, awards and documents relating to John’s professional career as well as his life outside work. Most prominent is the award-winning bridge he is standing on. John led on the whole project management of the Bridging Centuries project which included the bridge, the new Quad and the range of new facilities it offers, including the art gallery, lecture theatre, 100 study bedrooms, cafe, seminar rooms, etc..

John taking a close look at the painting

This painting is a mixed media work on canvas. I started with research, gathering source materials and ideas. I then digitally painted an initial draft, using a Macintosh iMac computer, Wacom Intuos Pro graphics tablet and Corel Painter 2018 software. I then produced a pigment ink print on canvas and worked on to it with a variety of acrylic gels, glazes, paint media and varnishes. As Bridging Centuries bridged time and space, my painting bridged media, from digital to traditional…

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