San Jose Marriott
Ballroom Pre-function Area (on the Mezzanine Level)
301 S Market Street (cross street is W San Carlos Street, next to the San Jose Convention Center)
San Jose, CA 95113
Permanent installation of a series of eight custom-made site-specific artworks on the topic of Silicon Valley. Each artwork is a 60″ x 60″ Océ VariaDot UV inkjet print on .125″ 6061 Aluminum plate with random orbit finish and UV protective matte clear coat finish, held up by 1″ stainless steel support posts.
Below is a list of the eight artworks. The title and icon of each listed here links to a dedicated artwork page where you’ll find a higher resolution image of the artwork and more detailed description.
#1 Land & Transformation
Land & Transformation looks back at the lost orchards of Silicon Valley and a time when the land of the Santa Clara Valley was the fruit basket of the world before being transformed into the center of innovative high technology that we know as Silicon Valley today.
#2 Humans & Machines
Humans & Machines reflects on the long history of humans and their invention of and interaction with machines that ultimately led to the birth of what we know as Silicon Valley.
#3 Founders & Visionaries
Founders & Visionaries is a tribute to the insights, vision and leadership of the key people behind the foundation and growth of Silicon Valley and whose genius has paved the way for generation after generation of risk-taking entrepreneurial Silicon Valley leaders and visionaries.
#4 Circuits & Structure
Circuits & Structure reflects the architecture and design of integrated circuits or microchips, and the resulting physical structure and look of the devices and components they are used in.
#5 Bits & Bytes
Bits & Bytes is a visual nod to the programmers who generate the machine code, the zeroes and ones, and write the programming code that underlies the digital revolution pioneered in Silicon Valley and is used in computers and the vast array of devices, internet-based industries and apps.
#6 People & Work
People & Work represents the people who work in Silicon Valley, many coming from all over the world to fill the need for tech workers as well as for workers in the vast infrastructure that supports Silicon Valley companies.
#7 Products & Consumers
Products & Consumers reflects the diverse range of products produced in, emanating from and impacted by Silicon Valley. These products positively impact the lives of millions of consumers across every corner of the globe.
#8 Growth & Value
Growth & Value is an artistic allegory about how small Silicon Valley beginnings end up generating massive companies with huge international impact, an innovative and entrepreneurial growth pattern repeated again and again in Silicon Valley.
If you’re interested to learn more about the fascinating history of Silicon Valley and how an agricultural paradise transformed into a fountain of high tech innovation and enterprise, then here are some links to check out:
“Why Does Silicon Valley Exist?”, San Francisco Chronicle
“Silicon Valley: The Lure & the Legends”, Los Altos History Museum
Online Exhibits, Computer History Museum
“Silicon Valley: History & Future”, Gregory Gromov