Face-Off! The Rhoda and Jeremy Portrait Sketching Playshop
RileyStreet Art Supply

Quick demo sketch I created of one of the students.

During this three hour playshop on February 27th, 2016, at RileyStreet Art Supply Store in San Rafael, California, fellow artist Rhoda Draws, and I shared our tips and techniques for hands-on live portrait sketching using traditional sketching media – no pixels in sight! The next playshop in Rileystreet is tentatively scheduled for November 19th, 2016. Please see my class schedule for latest details. Enjoy these photos from the class (photos taken by myself, Rhoda and the RileyStreet store manager Bente). Big thanks to the students who participated in this playshop.

The classroom – surrounded by art materials and art.

A demo sketch I made of Rhoda (with her sketch of me in the background)

One of my demos sketching a student (below): explaining how I go about composing; what I look for; how I make decisions on the paper; how I choose to use line, color and shading; and deciding when to stop.

Rhoda did a demo, sharing a technique starting with water-soluble crayon line work, then adding water washes and finally black brush pen accents. She then modeled for the class.

You can see the wonderful results here!

The final project was self-portraits. Rhoda and I both shared our process and technique, and then, using mirrors on mini-easels, everyone had a go.

The final group photo with everyone holding up their self-portraits.

..and, of course, some dancing had to break out! ….

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