Live Drawing at
Parallel Play “Mostly Bach”
June 18th, 2016

Parallel Play is a “fresh vision for collaborative, live music and art experiences” created by artist Peggy Gyulai and violist Deanna Badizadegan. It is a monthly event and the first Parallel Play, titled “Mostly Bach”, took place on June 18th, 2016. During the evening Deanna Badizadegan played viola, Ryan Lee played violin, Peggy painted in oils and drew on paper, and I drew on paper with a mix of media (acrylic ink, charcoal, crayon and oil stick). I also created a live iPad sketch of Deanna and Ryan practicing earlier in the day before the event.

In this video you see snippets of me creating the iPad sketch and then live drawing on paper during the actual performances. The audio includes excerpts from:
Handel Halvorsen Passacaglia
Bach Two Part Inventions (arr. Violin and Viola)
Bach Sonata for Solo Violin in A Minor, Andante
Bach Suite No. 6, Prelude and Allemande

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