The Luxomatics at Club Deluxe
2016, pigment ink, oil stick and crayon on canvas, 59″ x 36″
This artwork is based on a live sketch I made of my friends, The Luxomatics, playing, as they do every Sunday from 6 to 9pm, at the wonderful, atmospheric Club Deluxe, a local’s music bar icon at Haight and Ashbury in San Francisco. The musicians depicted are, from left to right, Sandy Clifford (harmonica and vocals), Justin Berthiaume (drums), Danny Eisenberg (piano), Byron Burchard and Pam Brandon (bass and vocals).
It is being displayed for the first time at my Spring Open Studios Art Exhibition – please come by if you’re in the area.
Here are some details of the final (large) artwork:
These (below) are views in the club when I made the original drawing:
The original 15″ x 10″ sketch made with Caran D’Ashe Neocolor I and II crayons and some red wine on Canson 140 lb cold press watercolor paper.
And a view of the club from across the road:
I love the drawings and music together – both brilliant.