Curriculum Vitae


1982 MA Oxon (Physics), Pembroke College, Oxford University, UK
1979 – 82 Life Drawing, Sculpture and Print-Making, Ruskin School of Drawing & Fine Art, Oxford University, UK
1985 – 88 Lithography and Life Drawing, Vrije Academie Werkplaats voor Beeldende Kunsten, The Hague, Netherlands
2013 – 2018 Life Drawing, Sharon Art Studios, San Francisco
2010-12 Life Drawing and Etching, City College of San Francisco, Fort Mason, San Francisco

Public Art Commissions

2014 “Silicon Valley Series” – eight 60″ x 60″ Océ VariaDot UV inkjet prints on aluminum permanently installed at the San Jose Marriott Hotel, San Jose
2011 “Classic San Francisco”, Large Heart (5′ x 5’9″ x 3’3″) commissioned by the San Francisco General Hospital Foundation as part of the Heroes & Hearts Fundraising Campaign. It was originally installed on Union Square, San Francisco, and is now in the Visa headquarters, Foster City.

Selected One Person Exhibitions

2018 “Iconic Silicon Valley Places”, Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club, Menlo Park
2014 “Portraits” Palm Beach Photographic Centre, West Palm Beach, FL
2014 “Endless Dance”, Embarcadero Conference Center, San Francisco
2013 “Portrait of the Master”, Pembroke College, Oxford University, UK
2006 “San Francisco Bay Area Women of Style”, Nordstrom, San Francisco
2005 “Legendary Mayors of San Francisco”, Chenery House, San Francisco
2005 “Groovin’”, DeKroon Salon, San Francisco
2005 “Got Soul”, Mason Street, San Francisco
2005 “Move to the Groove”, ArtSFest, San Francisco
2005 “Got Soul”, Mason Street, San Francisco
1994 “Digital Paintings”, Zelos, San Francisco
1993 “Holocaust Survivor Portraits”, Berkeley-Richmond Jewish Community Center, Berkeley
1989 “Faces”, Gordon Biersch, Palo Alto

Selected Group Exhibitions

2022 “I Figure: Contemporary Figurative Art”, Arts Benicia Gallery, Benicia, CA
2022 “Face to Face”, Arc Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2021 “Salon at the Triton”, Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA
2021 mDAC Summit Digital Art Exhibition, Palo Alto, CA
2019 “IN/Sight”, Arts Benicia Gallery, Benicia, CA
2019 “Celebrating 60 … and not being quiet about it”, Creative Innovation Centre, Taunton, UK
2019 “LifeLive”, Arc Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2017 “iPad Art: Places – 3 Brits in Silicon Valley”, Art Ventures Gallery, Menlo Park, CA
2017 “Mobile Digital Art Exhibition”, Mobile Digital Art & Creativity Summit, Mountain View, CA
2016 “Mobile Digital Art Exhibition”, Mobile Digital Art & Creativity Summit, Palo Alto, CA
2016 “David Bowie Show”, Smash Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2015  “DigiFun Art: Urban Scape Mobile Art Exhibition & Festival”, Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA), South Korea
2015 “Mobile Digital Art Exhibition”, Mobile Digital Art & Creativity Summit, Palo Alto, CA
2015 “Visible Music” (with Peggy Gyulai), 1821 Gallery, Fresno, CA
2014 “Paint by Pixels”, Delaware Valley Arts Alliance, Narrowsburg, NY
2014 “Mobile Digital Art Exhibition”, Mobile Digital Art & Creativity Summit, Palo Alto, CA
2009 “Jazz Ambassadors”, Jazz Heritage Center, Lush Life Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2005 Hotel des Arts, San Francisco, CA
2005 43 South Molton Street, London, U.K.
2005 “More Than a Game: The Art of Baseball”, George Krevsky Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2005 “Spectra Ball Art Exhibit”, The Old Mint, San Francisco, CA
2005 “MELT”, Art Explosion Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2004 “Sneak Peak”, Art Explosion Studios, San Francisco, CA
1996 “Ylem: Artists Using Science & Technology”, Gallery on the Rim, San Francisco, CA
1995 “Art & Technology”, San Jose Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, CA
1995 “Human Forms”, Silicon Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
1995 “Alternative Views”, The Williams Gallery, Princeton, NJ
1994 “Digital Fine Art”, Academy of Art College Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1994 “Fractal Design”, Kodak Juried Traveling Art Gallery
1994 “Portraits by Aritsts”, Galerie Tatou, Beverly Hills, CA
1993 “Breaking Down Walls”, Ansel Adams Center, San Francisco, CA
1993 “About Face”, Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA
1990 “Self-Portraits”, Syntex Gallery, Palo Alto, CA

Selected Live Event Painting Performances

2019 “Art & Hospitality”, The Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, PA
2019 TEDxBerkeley, Berkeley, CA
2018 “Art of Jazz”, five-week tour performing live painting on stage with the Birdland All-Stars featuring Tommy Igoe at 20 locations on east coast
2017 MURAL Festival, Montréal, Canada
2016 “From Monument Valley to Silicon Valley”, live virtual mural for closing of the exhibition “Ed Ruscha and the Great American West”, De Young Museum, San Francisco
2015 “Hands On!” Conference, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2015 “America Now! Innovation in Art”, Smithsonian Institute, American Art Museum, Washington, DC
2015 1821 Gallery, Fresno
2015 Niello-Porsche, Rockville
2014 SEMA, Las Vegas, NV
2014 Nuit Blanche Arts Festival, Toronto, Canada
2014 Oracle World, San Francisco
2013 David Hockney “Bigger Exhibition”, de Young Museum, San Francisco
2013 Leap Motion, SXSW, Austin, TX
2012 “Henri Matisse Tableau Vivant”, de Young Museum, San Francisco
2011 “Pablo Picasso Tableau Vivant”, de Young Museum, San Francisco
2011 “TOTEM”, Cirque du Soleil, San Francisco
2010 “Vincent van Gogh Tableau Vivant”, de Young Museum, San Francisco
2010 “Edgar Degas Tableau Vivant”, de Young / Legion of Honor Museums, San Francisco
1998 Total Systems Services booth, Las Vegas, NV
1998 Digital Hollywood, Santa Monica
1996 The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose
1996 Apple Theater, Macworld, San Francisco
1995 TED Conference, Monterey
1994 Virgin Atlantic 10th Anniversary, City Hall, London, UK
1994 Virgin Atlantic San Francisco Inaugural, en-route between London and San Francisco
1991 RasterOps booth, San Jose
1991 Wacom booth, SIGGRAPH, Las Vegas, NV


2009 Painter 11 Creativity: Digital Artist’s Handbook, Focal Press
2007 Painter X Creativity: Digital Artist’s Handbook, Focal Press
2005 Painter IX Creativity: Digital Artist’s Handbook, Focal Press
2004 Painter 8 Creativity: Digital Artist’s Handbook, Focal Press
2003 Secrets of Award-Winning Digital Artist’s, Wiley
2003 Fractal Design Painter Creative Techniques, Hayden Press

Publications—DVDs / Video Tutorials

2010 Post-Print Painting the Sutton Way, DVD, Sutton Studios & Gallery
2009 Founded, online learning resource for digital painting
2007 How to Paint from Photographs Using Corel Painter X, DVD, Sutton Studios & Gallery
2007 Learning Corel Painter X with Jeremy Sutton, DVD, Sutton Studios & Gallery
2007 The Art of Collage Portraiture, DVD, Sutton Studios & Gallery
2005 Painter IX Simplified for Photographers, DVD, PhotoVision
Digital Innovator Vol 4, Natural Media Painting, DVD, Wacom
2004 Painter Creativity for Wedding and Portrait Photographers, DVD, PhotoVision
2003 Fractal Design Painter 4.0 Training Video Series, VHS, MacAcademy
1998 Total Painter Video Training Series, VHS, Total Training

Selected Workshops

2019 Steel House, Rockland, ME
2019 East Coast School, Raleigh, NC
2019 Palm Beach Photographic Centre, West Palm Beach, FL
2015 iPad Sketching Workshop, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK
2015 “Tea and Pixels” iPad painting at the National Gallery,London, UK
2015 FOTOfusion, Palm Beach Photographic Centre, West Palm Beach, FL
2014 Mobile Digital Art & Creativity Summit, Palo Alto
2014 “Tea and Pixels” iPad painting at the National Gallery,London, UK
2014 FOTOfusion, Palm Beach Photographic Centre, West Palm Beach, FL
2013 Corel UK, Maidenhead, UK
2012 Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, Santa Fe, NM
2012 Professional Photographers of North Carolina State Convention and East Coast School, Raleigh, NC
2010 De Roos Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2009 – 2010 New England Institute of Professional Photography (PPA affiliated professional photography school), Cape Cod, MA
2008 FOTOfusion, Palm Beach Photographic Centre, West Palm Beach, FL
2007 Pembroke College, Oxford, U.K.
2005 – 2006 Triangle Institute (PPA affiliated professional photography school), Pittsburgh, PA
2002 Northern California Professional Photographers SChool, Menlo Park
2000 Expression Center for New Media, Emeryville
2000 American Film Institute, Los Angeles
2000 University of California Santa Barbara Extension, Santa Barbara
2000 Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, Santa Fe, NM
2000 Brazil Painter Workshops, Riode Janeiro, Sau Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
1998 Georgia School of Professional Photography (PPA affiliated professional photography school)
1996 San Francisco State University, San Francisco
1996 California College of Arts & Crafts, Oakland
1996 Center for Electronic Art, San Francisco
1996 The Academy of Art College, San Francisco
1996 Creative Computer Workshop, Palo Alto
1996 Israel Painter Workshops, Tel Aviv, Israel
1987 Wolly Merien’s Studio, The Hague, The Netherlands

Selected Speaking Engagements

2017 “Portrait of a Risk-Taker: An Artist’s Risk Management Journey”, RISK Summit, Philadelphia, PA
2015 “Hands On!” Conference, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2013 SIGGRAPH, Anaheim
2008 Macworld, San Francisco

Cities are in California unless otherwise specified.

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