Angie Major and I perform to “Opus No. One” at the Veterans Day USO-Style Dance at the Presidio Officers’ Club in San Francisco on November 9th, 2019. This version of “Opus No. One” was performed by Glen Gray and the Casa Loma Orchestra. The live painting of Dawn Hampton I refer to that I painted to the same music can be seen in my Happy Feet, Happy Paint video.
The finale featuring all four Angie Dance dancers — Hannah, Sean, Angie and I — dancing to Benny Goodman’s “Sing, Sing, Sing”.
Hannah and Sean dancing to Count Basie’s “Trippin’ on the Q.T.”.
Huge thanks to Angie for inviting me to dance with her at this event as well as for her great choreography and collaborative creative spirit, to fellow dancers Hannah and Sean, to Mira, Zach, Dan and the rest of the fabulous team at the Presidio Officers’ Club for putting together this and other wonderful dances throughout the year, and to Don Neely’s Royal Society Jazz Orchestra for providing such great live music throughout the evening!